Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Decisions, decisions

We have to make decisions every day. Stuff like:

"What shall I have for lunch?"
"Do I want tea or coffee?"
"Should I move over for the police car behind me?"
"Should we elope to the Carribean?"
"Do I want children?"
"Should I wear the black or the red shirt?"
"Is 105mph a little too fast to be driving?"
"Is new white Daz really better than improved Persil with scented fabric conditioner?"

Some decisions are bigger than others. But I encountered the biggest and hardest decision of all today. A humdinger of a decision. A potentially painful decision, with far reaching consequences.

"Should I stop for the toilet now, or press on homeward and hope there is no traffic?"

You see? This isn't a decision that can be made lightly. If I stop, I have to get off at the next exit, find a toilet, park and go. Not necessarily as easy as it sounds. What if I can't find a toilet - some exits lead straight onto other motorways.

Or should I wait? Drive as fast as I can get away with and hope that there are no accidents further down causing a delay. Can I last until I get home? Can I last if I hit traffic?

What is a girl to do?

Make an attempt on the landspeed record (M25 version), that's what.

I made it home in time.