Related to fucktards
The Baron's brother is a waste of good oxygen. He is selfish and lazy, cheap beyond belief, and moans like an old woman constantly about everything. The last trait seems to run through all the males in that particular line..............but I digress. He is a fucktard.
This is the same brother who, not content with dragging us all out to Ireland for the wedding and refusing to help pay for his parents (leaving us to pay), is still demanding a wedding present. Not asking, but demanding. An iPod, to be exact. I don't fucking think so, you tight fuck. Manners mean nothing to this arsewipe.
He has been moaning that the Baron never goes down to visit him and his wife. The Baron has offered on numerous occasions, but as his wife has her family over constantly, it is not deemed appropriate for the Baron to visit, who has unsurprisingly stopped offering to visit.
We moved house three weeks ago. The Baron's brother has not been here. In four and a half years he visited our previous house once. His wife was in the area over the weekend, and he came to pick her up. Did he come over to see his brother? Did he bollocks!
He did have the nerve to phone us and ask us to pick her up and take her home (an hour's drive each way) because he wanted a nap and to watch the X Factor. But once over in the area, he couldn't be bothered to come here. Too much fucking effort.
But naturally we should be willing to make the drive down to see them whenever it suits his wife's family diary.
So tomorrow is the Baron's day off. Guess which fucktard relative he is going to visit? His parents were initially coming over for a visit (so according to the Baron, I should be frantically tidying up. I don't clean for my parents, so why he thinks I am cleaning for his, I don't know), but since they found out that the Baron is going down, they are going to. No doubt to avoid paying for their own petrol.
I will be working. I planned to work at home tomorrow and was being forced into the visit, but luckily for me, a major fraud has been detected at one of my clients and so I have to go back to London tomorrow to start the investigation off.
I've just had a phonecall. Turns out that fucktard's little wifey (She of the low self esteem who married a turd she knew had cheated on her) left her glasses at her aunt's house this weekend. Like you do. Guess who has to go out of his way this evening after work (when he finishes at midnight) to collect them?
The same person who always gets taken advantage of by his family.
The one, the only, the Baron.
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