Friday, December 19, 2003


I have just got back from the vet with Miss Ellie, who greeted me this evening with re-arranged stitches in her side. She is ok but I need to keep the boys separate until next Saturday. How, I don't know.

I also had dinner with my sister and the Boy. Bit rushed due to impending vet apppointmet, but it was nice. I am about to crack open a bottle of wine and drink it all by myself, or with my neighbour should she pop in.

The Baron is working late again so at least I should get some peace and quiet until he comes home. And by then I should be nicely drunk.

Job is going well. I have to work over the weekend, but I plan to slot an hour in tomorrow to complete the file, and a couple of hours on Sunday to write a draft report. I did have a half day yesterday so it is fair. Of course, a large proportion of my afternoon was stuck in traffic because one of the tunnels was closed again.

I suppose I should go and put the washer on, and check my favourite forums before cracking open the wine.